Held in Cluj-Napoca, Romania on 22th of March 2019
We are living in an increasingly urban world with 68% of the world’s population estimated to live in cities by 2050. While cities are engines of the global economy accounting for 80% of GDP, they also produce 75% of CO2. Consequently, the role of cities is crucial in meeting the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs), the recommendations set out in the Europe 2020 strategy, as well as in the Urban Agenda of the EU.
Cities need to find ways on leveraging smart and sustainable innovation both in how they design and deliver municipal services and opportunities. Resilience building in cities must adopt a people-centered approach that goes far beyond infrastructure considerations.
This is why UN-Habitat firmly believes that working directly with local governments and their partners is essential as they are the level of governance, which is closer to citizens and Mr Esteban visited our city to open a dialogue on how to start-up a resiliency framework for the city of Cluj-Napoca.
▪ Mr. Esteban Leon, Head of City Resilience Profiling Programme, United Nations UN-Habitat
▪ Ms. Anamaria Vrabie, Director of the Cluj-Napoca Urban Innovation Unit, Cluj Cultural Centre
▪ Mr. Dacian Dragoș, Director of Center for Good Governance, College of Political, Administrative and Communication Sciences, Babeș-Bolyai University
▪ Mr. Ovidiu Cîmpean, Director of Investments and Local Development, Cluj-Napoca Municipality
This event organized by Cluj Cultural Centre through its Cluj-Napoca Urban Innovation Unit program and Cluj-Napoca Municipality through its Centre for Innovation and Civic Imagination.