Nowadays many contractors are involved in important disputes at their construction contracts, taking in consideration the usual breaches in the contracts by beneficiaries (lack of expropriation, construction permits or environmental permits, delay payments, absence of decisions… and so on) what generate extremely high extra-costs and consequently entitle the Contractors to important Claim Quantum. Unfortunately, Beneficiaries fail to recognize such entitlements so Contractors can only recover their prejudices through Arbitration procedure.

Arbitration taxes are expensive and it´s a long process (2-4 years involving Lawyers and Technical Consultants) so some Contractors cannot afford all these costs of the procedure by themselves running the risk to not recover (prescription period must also be considered). Third-Party Funding is their best partner to face this complex and long way of Arbitration.

If you are a construction-related business you can definitively contact Cinfra if you have a claim related to Arbitration (domestic, international and bilateral investment treaty).

  • Extension of time (Delay impact analysis)
  • Disruptions
  • Loss of profit
  • Lack of payment (Lack of works certificates)
  • Delay payments – Delay Interests rate
  • Business interruption
  • Execution of guarantees / Contract Termination
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Infrastructure | Real Estate | Concessions - PPP

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